
Common house martin (Delichon urbicum)

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Common house martin (Delichon urbicum)

English, Dutch and scientific names.
Species/Soort Family/Familie Order/Orde Class/Klasse Phylum/Stam Kingdom/Rijk
Common house martin Swallows, martins Perching birds Birds Chordate Animals
Huiszwaluw Zwaluwen Zangvogels Vogels Gewervelden Dieren
Delichon urbicum Hirundinidae Passeriformes Aves Chordata Animalia

Hiddensee, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Duitsland

2014:07:04 10:20:30
Common house martin (Delichon urbicum)
NIKON D7100 with AF-S Nikkor 300mm f/2.8G IF-ED VR II, 1/1250 sec at F5.6, ISO 200, distance 10.00 m

Parque National de las Sierras y Canones de Guara

2016:06:02 10:49:52
Common house martin (Delichon urbicum)
NIKON D500 with AF-S VR Nikkor 600mm f/4G ED, 1/2000 sec at F4.5, ISO 250, distance 25.12 m


2013:07:07 14:36:23
Common house martin (Delichon urbicum)
NIKON D7100 with AF-S Nikkor 80-400mm f/4.5-5.6G ED VR, 1/500 sec at F5.6, ISO 800, distance 4.47 m


2013:07:16 13:13:47
Common house martin (Delichon urbicum)
NIKON D7100 with AF Nikkor 300mm f/4 IF-ED, 1/1000 sec at F7.1, ISO 320, distance 0.03 m